Hubert Humphrey Fellows Shradha Shrestha & Sonam Lama

AY 2020-2021 Fellow Sonam Lama 

Sonam Lama is a trained architect, currently an adviser of Tsum Welfare Committee, a non-profit organization working in Tsum promoting and developing sustainable tourism. He attended Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) for a specialization in Urban and Regional Planning. 

AY2021-2022 Fellow Shradha Shrestha 

Ms. Shrestha heads the Brand and Crisis Unit of the Nepal Tourism Board. She has been involved in the country’s marketing & promotion since 15 years in the capacity of Marketing & Promotion Manager and is also the focal person at Nepal Tourism Board for international Corporate Partnership assignments. She will be attending Michigan State University for her Fellowship program in Economic Development.  

The Fulbright Commission’s Executive Director Reshu Aryal Dhungana will lead the conversation on the Humphrey Program and facilitate the event.

𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐞: July 8, 2021

𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞: 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm NPT

Join us in this virtual event to meet the Hubert Humphrey Fellows.

Zoom Meeting ID: 947 9428 0365

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