The Fulbright Program operates in more than 160 countries worldwide and has provided approximately 370,000 participants with the opportunity to study, teach, or conduct research in each other’s’ countries and exchange ideas. Approximately 8,000 competitive, merit-based grants are awarded annually in most academic disciplines and fields of study.

JanuaryUGRAD Competition Opens
FebruaryUGRAD Competition Deadline
Master’s Competition Opens
MarchUS Student Competition Opens (for US citizens)
AprilMaster’s Competition Deadline
MayHumphrey Competition Opens
JulyHumphrey Competition Deadline
AugustVisiting Scholar Competition Opens
SeptemberUS Scholar Competition Opens (for US citizens)
OctoberUS Scholar Competition Deadline (for US citizens)
NovemberVisiting Scholar Competition Deadline

News and Announcements

Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program 2025-26

Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program 2025-26 Applications for this program are closed for 2025/26 cohort. Please stay tuned for new announcements. The Fulbright Commission in Nepal welcomes applications for the AY2025-26 Visiting…

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