Dr Chevan is a Professor of Physical Therapy at Springfield College. She has been a physiotherapist since 1985 and, in addition, has a strong background in public health and data analysis. She contacted the Physiotherapy Program at Kathmandu University after coming across their publication titled ‘Challenges and Future Development of Physiotherapy Education in Nepal’. Her expertise was requested by the Department to launch the graduate program in Specialized Physiotherapy, to improve knowledge among hospital staff about Physiotherapy and other specialty areas and to train faculty on research agendas consistent with graduate education. The Fulbright Specialist Program provides U.S. expertise and leadership to Nepalese hosts and promotes long-term collaboration between U.S. Department of State goals and the priorities of Nepalese institutions. This opportunity offers an on demand, rapid response exchange resource in a wide variety of fields for Nepalese institutions and organizations. We are currently accepting applications for Specialist projects starting next year. Click here to apply and email fubcomm@fulbrgihtnepal.org.np if you have queries. |