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| | | Message From the Commission | |
| November was a busy month at USEF/Nepal. Travel and in-person events continued to increase as restrictions due to the pandemic have subsided. The Educational Advising Center (EAC) conducted a range of events surrounding International Education Week that are detailed below. More than 1,700 students visited the EAC during the month. Also in November, we welcomed the last of our 2022 Fulbright grantees to Nepal, bringing the total number of American grantees currently in country to 29. Meanwhile, there are 14 Nepalese on short- and long-term Fulbright grants in the U.S. The selection and placement process for next year’s Humphrey Fellows and Foreign Scholars is underway, with a strong cohort of Nepalese candidates. |
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| | | | Humphrey Alumni Engagement On Monday, November 28th, USEF/N partnered with the Nepal Association of Humphrey Fellows in hosting a program on “Post-COVID Economy of Nepal: Challenges and Remedies” as part of the Humphrey Fellowship Alumni Global Policy Series. Twenty-five Humphrey alumni participated in this half-day session at the USEF/N auditorium in Maharajgunj. |
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| The keynote speaker was Sujeev Shakya, CEO and founder of Beed Management, and a Humphrey alumnus. His remarks were followed by a panel discussion that provided insights from the financial and tourism sectors. The panel featured Humphrey alumus Ashutosh Sharma, Senior Executive at Everest Bank Limited, and alumna Shraddha Shrestha, Manager at Nepal Tourism Board. The panel was moderated by Dyuti Baral, Capacity Building head at SAIM College, and both a Humphrey and Fulbright alumna. The guest of honor, Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program Director Peter Moran, highlighted why exchanges such as the Humphrey Fellowship matter, and encouraged alumni to continue collaborating to benefit their communities.
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| Left to Right: Panel members Dyuti Baral, Ashutosh Sharma, Shraddha Shrestha, and Sujeev Shakya |
| | Dr Alton Byers Returns to Nepal and the Mountains Alton C. Byers, Ph.D. is a mountain geographer, conservationist, and mountaineer specializing in applied research, high altitude ecosystems, climate change, glacier hazards, and integrated conservation and development programs. He received both his B.A. and doctorate from the University of Colorado , the latter focusing on landscape change, soil erosion, and vegetation dynamics in the Sagarmatha (Mt. Everest) National Park, Nepal. He joined The Mountain Institute in 1990 as Environmental Advisor, and over the next 25 years worked as Co-Manager of the Makalu-Barun National Park (Nepal Programs), Founder and Director of Andean Programs, Director of Appalachian Programs, and Director of Science and Exploration. In 2015, he joined the Institute for Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR) at the University of Colorado at Boulder as Senior Research Scientist and Faculty. He currently works on a range of research, writing, and teaching projects in the Himalayas, Andes, and Appalachian and Rocky Mountains. |
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| Byers at the base of Mt. Kanchenjunga, October 2022 |
| | In 2016, Dr. Byers received a Fulbright Specialist award to teach mountain geography at Tribhuvan University. This year, in April, he was back in Nepal as a Fulbright Research Scholar to continue his engagement in alpine conservation and restoration work. During this period, he was affiliated with Tribhuvan University’s Central Department of Geography. Dr. Byers was recently interviewed by another Fulbrighter, Editor of the Nepali Times Kunda Dixit-: |
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| | | | Advising Center Highlights | |
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| Last month, during International Education Week, the Institute of International Education (IIE) released its 2022 Open Doors Report on International Educational Exchange for 2021/22. Nepal continued to be 12th among countries of origin for the number of international students in the United States, with 11,779 students. USEF/N celebrated the week by conducting a range of sessions, including Get Inspired sessions by U.S. Embassy Diplomats and Fulbright Alum, University sessions representing the different regions of the U.S., a session about the TOELF and Digital SAT exams, a panel discussion on LGBTQI+ campus life experience, a session on careers in English, a poetry challenge, and a U.S. Trivia and movie show. A total of 752 students participated in these events.
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| | | | Articles by and Featuring our Alumni | |
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| | | | Opportunities and EventsDecember 2022 | |
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