Program Components

Applications for this program are closed for 2024/25 cohort. Please stay tuned for new announcements.

Program Components

2022 grantee Dil Bahadur Budhathoki at University of Massachusetts, Lowell

Teachers will be placed at competitively selected universities. The program will consist of general academic seminars focusing on new teaching methodologies, student-centered learning, content-based instruction, lesson planning, and instructional technology training for teachers. Intensive English language instruction will be offered to teachers who need additional practice.

The program will also include a practicum of at least 40 hours with a U.S. partner teacher in a secondary school near the host university to actively engage participants in the U.S. classroom environment. Cultural enrichment, mentoring, and support will be provided to participants throughout the program. The program will provide participants with practical resources they can use in their teaching, as well as skills to train trainers.

Upon returning home, teachers will be expected to share the knowledge and experience gained through the program with teachers and students in their home schools and within their communities.

University Coursework: Weekly Seminars: Teachers will participate in weekly seminars at their host university featuring presentations and discussions led by university staff, faculty members, and invited educational experts. The Fulbright TEA Program provides academic seminars focusing on new teaching methodologies, student-centered learning, content-based instruction, lesson planning, and instructional technology training for teachers.

U.S. School Placements: The program will also include a practicum of at least 40 hours with a U.S. partner teacher in a secondary school near the host university to actively engage participants in the U.S. classroom environment. Cultural enrichment, mentoring, and support will be provided to participants throughout the program.

Online Professional Learning Community: Each Fulbright teacher will participate in a virtual community with other international educators to collaborate and share best practices about education and leadership in the participating countries.

Gender and Girls Education Program for Teachers: The Fulbright TEA program will designate one cohort to examine gender-in-education themes in depth. Applicants interested in this topic will be given the opportunity to self-designate in the application materials. The gender-in-education cohort will likely take place in spring 2025. Please note that not everyone who requests to participate in this cohort will be selected, as the number of slots is limited; however, some gender and girls’ education sessions and materials will be included in every cohort.