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The Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program seeks applicants whose writing achieves highest academic standards of original research, writing, and citation. The program application includes the opportunity to describe your academic work and research. Application materials will be processed using software to help identify any instance of plagiarism. Plagiarism in any part of your application will result in your disqualification from participating in the Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program.
From the Oxford English Dictionary:
“Plagiarism is the wrongful appropriation or purloining and publication as one’s own, of the ideas, or the expression of the ideas of another”
Plagiarism will be understood to include any of the following:
Presenting wording, statistics or concepts as your own which should be attributed to someone else or to publications (online or offline). This includes, but is not limited to:
It is expected that your project proposal will be your own work and writing, clearly citing secondary sources when describing the academic work and writing of others (including one’s own previously published work). Any sources used in the construction of your responses must be clearly cited in your project statement and bibliography.