Take care to answer all questions to the best of your ability
Make sure that you spell your name correctly and in English; do not use diacritical markings, if you only have one name, use the last name field
Make sure that the information you have added into the online application text boxes displays completely
When prompted:
List all postsecondary schools attended, including study abroad programs, and list in order of those most recently attended
List all academic, professional, and personal awards and honors achieved
Write a clearly articulated study/research objective. This is an important component of your application and is your opportunity to state what you want to study and to achieve. Be specific. This should be not more than two pages long or 1500 words
Write a personal statement which clearly details who you are and your experiences. You can both highlight your strengths and address any inconsistencies or perceived weaknesses. This should be not more than two pages long or 1500 words
Identify no less than 4 institutions of your preference
Review the plagiarism agreement and acknowledge that you understand and will comply with the agreement